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Depositions are a major component to most personal injury lawsuits. Depositions are out-of-court testimonies from parties who are associated with the events involved in the lawsuit. In most cases, depositions are part of the discovery process, where lawyers for both the defendant and the plaintiff seek to find out what really happened. Occasionally, depositions can be used as part of the court proceedings when a party is too ill to attend court or is prevented by something like jail or distance.…
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If you have been exposed to asbestos in your workplace and contracted mesothelioma, you may be able to seek compensation for the damages that were caused. Unfortunately, with laws varying between each state, it can be difficult to have a firm grasp on what your rights are. By understanding your rights, you will be able to hold someone responsible for your injuries.
Using Workers’ Compensation For Employer Related Injuries
There are many states where an asbestos related injury can be settled through workers’ compensation rather than a personal injury lawsuit.…
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Once you have filed for workers compensation as a result of being injured in a work-related accident or illness, the wait for the results begin. You’re undoubtedly hopeful that you will be approved so that you can get your medical bills and lost wages paid, but you may be worried about the outcome of the claim. There are a few reasons for your claim to be denied, so read below for more information about denials and what you can do if you are denied workers compensation.…
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Living on a fixed income can be rough, especially in a world where everyone has to deal with rising costs. There are increase to the cost of living, but depending on the prices in your city this may or may not keep up with rising costs. Luckily, with a little bit of maneuvering, you can learn to live on a fixed income for social security disability.
Adjusting to social security disability means finding new methods of living and new ways to make your income stretch further.…
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Did you lose your spouse and get badly injured after your vehicle was struck by a reckless driver? If you want to recover without accumulating a lot of bills in the process, your first step should be hiring a lawyer. Below, discover how a personal injury lawyer will build a firm argument to help you get compensated in a lawsuit against the other party.
How Can a Lawyer Build a Good Case for a Car Accident Victim?…
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Medical malpractice cases are not limited to what happens after a medical care provider treats a patient. In some instances, a successful claim of malpractice can be made for failing to diagnose a condition in the first place. If you want to sue your doctor or other health care provider due to a misdiagnosis, here is what you need to know.
What Cases Are Usually Misdiagnosed?
There are many different conditions which could be misdiagnosed by a doctor, but some conditions are more commonly misdiagnosed than others.…
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Pecuniary losses form an integral part of a wrongful death case. These are losses that can be measured in monetary terms (such as lost wages), unlike losses that are difficult to measure in terms of money (such as pain and suffering). There are several methods and ways of calculating pecuniary losses, and the common ones are:
Determination of the Direct Monetary Losses
One of the first things is to determine what the monetary losses that the decedent’s loved ones have suffered as a result of the wrongful death.…
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Compensable injuries refer to physical injuries from work accidents. Occupational diseases that result from exposure to toxic substances at work are also compensable. Under the workers’ compensation system, employers must provide insurance to pay lost wages and medical expenses when employees sustain work related injuries. Workers compensation laws vary with each state, although some features remain consistent.
Indemnity Benefits
Indemnity benefits compensate for the loss of your income from work or your earning ability.…
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During the Great Recession, many U.S. law firms closed their doors for good – in large part due to declining revenues and an increasingly expensive supply of attorneys. Because most of a law firm’s fixed expenses are personnel-related, it can be difficult to cut costs without cutting staff. However, some firms have begun to move away from the billable hour model to help increase productivity and revenue, even in lean times.…
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Eating while driving can actually get you a ticket under laws designed to prevent distracted driving. But will they hold up in court? It depends. This is what you should know.
Distracted Driving Laws Are On The Rise
Just about every state now has laws against distracted driving, but the laws vary a great deal from state to state. Some laws have made certain specific behaviors “primary” offenses, meaning that you can be pulled over and ticketed any time a police officer witnesses you committing the action.…
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