When the unexpected happens and you suddenly find yourself injured while shopping in a retail store, your first thought is likely your health. After you’ve seen to that, however, consider taking steps to make sure that the store compensates you for your injuries. Retail establishments are obligated to provide a safe environment for its customers, and if your accident occurred as a result of negligent conditions in that environment you may have a right to money damages and medical expenses.…
The decision whether you want a judge or a jury to determine a personal injury lawsuit depends on the size of the claim to be filed. If the case is minor, it can be decided by a judge in small claims court. If it is a major case, it should proceed to a higher court with a jury trial.
Small Claims
Preparation is required in this courtroom, but it is more relaxed than the higher court systems.…
If you are injured in a public swimming pool, and you have now received medical treatment, you might wonder how you will pay for your medical bills. You might be able to sue the owner of the public pool, but only after taking into consideration certain facts.
The Safety Measures Put In Place
Public pools are required to install certain safety measures that are mandated by federal and state law. Barriers and latches are necessary to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the pool, especially when there is not a lifeguard currently working.…
Filing a personal lawsuit can be tricky, and the situation is often made even more confusing by the vast differences in how cases are handled from state to state. If you are planning on filing in Florida, then here are some key statutes that you should be aware of when planning your lawsuit:
Statute of Limitations: 4 Years
When filing in Florida, you need to make sure that your claim is in before 4 years have passed since the date of the injury.…
Planning a social event can be a quite a responsibility. The job comes with some degree of stress. There are the legal obligations to consider. In particular, you might be held responsible for accidents that occur at a rented space.
Following is a guide to help event planners better prepare for possible accidents at rented venues.
Renting a Venue Without a Signed Contract
It is never wise to rent use of a facility without a signed contract.…