my personal injury lawsuit story

Things You Should Know Before Filing A Personal Injury Lawsuit In Florida

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Filing a personal lawsuit can be tricky, and the situation is often made even more confusing by the vast differences in how cases are handled from state to state. If you are planning on filing in Florida, then here are some key statutes that you should be aware of when planning your lawsuit: Statute of Limitations: 4 Years When filing in Florida, you need to make sure that your claim is in before 4 years have passed since the date of the injury.…

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Before Renting An Event Space, Always Seek Personal Injury Legal Help

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Planning a social event can be a quite a responsibility. The job comes with some degree of stress. There are the legal obligations to consider. In particular, you might be held responsible for accidents that occur at a rented space. Following is a guide to help event planners better prepare for possible accidents at rented venues. Renting a Venue Without a Signed Contract It is never wise to rent use of a facility without a signed contract.…

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3 Things You Need To Know About Filing A Personal Injury Lawsuit For A Motorcycle Or Car Accident

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Car and motorcycle accidents happen everyday. Unfortunately, many people are hurt while on the road and are looking for a way to find restitution for their pain and suffering. If you have been in a vehicle accident, you might be wondering what you can do to get help with your medical expenses and any other losses you might have experienced. A personal injury lawsuit is a good way to get what you deserve.…

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