my personal injury lawsuit story

Lunch And The Distracted Driver: What You Should Know

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Eating while driving can actually get you a ticket under laws designed to prevent distracted driving. But will they hold up in court? It depends. This is what you should know. Distracted Driving Laws Are On The Rise Just about every state now has laws against distracted driving, but the laws vary a great deal from state to state. Some laws have made certain specific behaviors “primary” offenses, meaning that you can be pulled over and ticketed any time a police officer witnesses you committing the action.…

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The Clock Is Ticking: 4 Signs it's Time to Hire Disability Lawyer

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Filing for disability is a straightforward process. You go online, fill in the information, and send the application. If you have any medical evidence, then you send that in, too. If you went this route, without the use of a lawyer, you may have been denied. Being denied is not the end of the world, but it can be the end of your case if you don’t seek a disability lawyer.…

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Injured By A Product? 3 Surprising Things You May Not Know About Product Liability Lawsuits

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People are injured by unsafe products all the time. In fact, more than 34 million people are injured or killed by consumer products each year. Since there are so many product related injuries, you would think that product lawsuit settlement amounts would be astronomical. However, there are numerous factors that make winning a product liability lawsuit complicated. If you or a loved one has been injured by a product, here are three surprising things you may not know about product liability lawsuits.…

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